He had worked as a hire hand in the farmer, a stonemason and a punter.
The sons of those architects and stonemasons never saw the completed project that their fathers had begun.
Inside the on-site restoration workshop, sculptors and stonemasons are also working by hand, with chisels and brushes.
" No, I am, " called Cutjack, the plump stonemason, pulling his hammer off the leather apron he always wore.
" 不,我!" 胖胖的石匠凯杰克大叫,一边自他从不离身的皮围裙里拿铁锤。
The cathedral's nave, choir and transepts were mostly untouched by flames, thanks to the craftsmanship of the 12th- and 13th-century stonemasons.
My father was a master stonemason, but he did not teach me the trade.
And in the thick of a busy season he turned stonemason and filled up the gaps in the wall.
在繁忙的季节里, 他变成了石匠, 填补了墙上的缝隙。
It will proclaim to future generations that whenever the highest quality of craftsmanship is needed, stonemasons will be there.
But at this time, in 1220, stonemasons are building a greater variety of structures—bridges, cathedrals, and castles—than ever before.
此时,即 1220 年,石匠正在建造比以往任何时候都更多样的结构——桥梁、大教堂和城堡。
Some of the buildings that stonemasons create are so tall and beautiful that many people believe our skills must be magical.
We stonemasons have always been in demand for our great skills, and the work we do, cutting and shaping stone, hasn't changed much.
Tyrion Lannister's laughter steamed in the cold air. " I'll be sure to tell your father to arrest more stonemasons, before your tower collapses. "
提利昂·兰尼斯特的笑在冷空气里蒸腾。" 那我就请你老爸务必在你那座塔垮塌之前,多抓几个石匠过来。"
Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David.
" Do dead men dream" ? Bran asked, thinking of his father. In the dark crypts below Winterfell, a stonemason was chiseling out his father's likeness in granite.
" 死人会作梦吗?" 布兰问,心里想着父亲。在临冬城下的阴暗墓窖,一名石匠正在大理石上凿刻父亲的容貌。 艾莉亚愤恨不平地照办后,他又说:" 站到那里,靠着那棵橡树。,就这样。" 她双臂环住树干,脸颊紧贴粗糙的树皮。" 你叫吧,你给我大声叫。"
Whenever I came to a new town, I'd visit the local guildhall, a place where a stonemason can find a job, a place to sleep, and good food.