9.Pyrazole has been prepared through the dehydrogenation of 2 pyrazoline in which catalytic amonts of sodium iodide acts as dehydrogenation agent in sulfuric acid.
10.This article introduces that using mixed acid of nitric acid and sulfuric acid, beet waste-slag produces industrial product oxalic acid by ordinary pressure hydrocarbonylation.
11.In the system of sulfuric acid phenylglycollic acid cinchonine potassium chlorate, micro amount of tungsten in ammonium molybdate products has been determined by catalytic polarography.
12.Which indubitably indicate that the bismuthous sulfide can only dissolve in halogen acid except hydrofluoric acid, the mixed solution of dilute sulfuric acid and alkali halide.
13.It was proved that the osazone sulfuric acid development method(OSADM) is a quite ideal DAHPS activity assay method, according to the osazone's absorption map, the linear relations, detecting limit.