She tried not to smile at his accurate summing up of her conduct but she could not help dimpling.
你尽量大努力地克制自己,才戴上了结婚戒指吧?" 她尽量忍着才没有笑出来,因为她的行为竟被他这样一语道破了,但她还按捺不住露出一点酒窝。
Lastly, you can, and the body paragraphs with a summing up sentence.
At the end of this paragraph, I've included what I call a summing up sentence.
Midnight struck as the president was summing up.
This one's longer mainly because I wanted to show you that summing up sentence.
You can still get 26 points without having a summing up sentence like this.
" I don't think Mr. Smith would have done, Matthew" was Anne's final summing up.
“不认为史密斯先生会这样做, 马修” 安妮最后的总结。
" The judge's summing up was good, " said the colonel.
Also, you'll notice at the end of this paragraph I included a summing up sentence.
Therefore the first Creed was established, summing up the central Christian " dogmas" or tenets.
因此建立了第一个信条, 总结了基督教的中心“教条” 或信条。
We're now in a position to give some advice to the king, summing up.
And down here, I've got what I call a summing up sentence.
We're summing over all of the values that our random variable can take.
Note that this kind of summing up sentence, as I refer to it, is purely optional.
' That, " said Joe, summing up with his judicial air, " were the word of Biddy.
So the first simplification we can make is we're summing from k equals 0 to n.
所以们可以做的第一个简化们从 k 等于 0 到 n 求和。
In 2021 she published a paper summing up the collective wisdom from this project in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
2021 年,她《心理药理学治疗进展》上发表了一篇论文,总结了该项目的集体智慧。
The small committee in charge of the summing what corps stocks would be covered by the 30 stock index made the decision.
And you're summing up over all of the a's you can achieve.
您正总结您可以实现的所有 a。
" Ah, so we go along or die, " the Lizard said, summing it up. " Not much of a choice, is it? "