He sees Parvaneh smiling teasingly at him in the rearview mirror.
" Why don't you change the basis of your coinage, then" ? she queried teasingly.
" 那为什么不从根本上改变币呢?" 她揶揄地问。
As Diego Maradona spoke teasingly, they often know only chasing hard after the ball, but forgot to steal it.
Linda's father pulled her ear teasingly, in the way he had.
" It's too short, " he repeated teasingly.
" Who's the new one" ? he asked, teasingly.
“谁是新人” ? 他调侃地问道。
" If I cut the grass, I will, " Emil said teasingly.
“如果我割草, 我,” 埃米尔戏谑地说。
Most cryptic clues have two parts - one part teasingly defines the solution.
大多数神秘线索都有两部分 - 一部分戏弄地定义了解决方案。
Come, or you don't love me! ' she teasingly went on.
来吧,否则就不爱我了! 她开玩笑地继续说。
The way she had laughed confidently, teasingly, as if at some shared joke between them.
Katrine is used to jesting with her customers, and asks him teasingly if he is off to see his sweetheart in the south again.
Katrine 习惯于和她顾客开玩笑,并开玩笑地问他是否要去南方再见他爱人。
He turned to her, squeezed her hand, and said gently, teasingly, in the " special" voice he had for her: " Glad to be home again, dearie" ?
他转向她,握住她手, 用他对她来说“特别” 声音温柔地、戏谑地说:“很高兴又回到家了, 亲爱” ?