Be careful what you say to Mr Smith, for he is like tinder.
In sunbaked southern Italy, fires raged as parched forests and fields turned to tinder.
1 在阳光的炙烤下的意大利南部,火势蔓,枯干的树林和田地都变成了火种。
Results It showed the changes of field potentials and neural firing rates in hippocampal CA1 region tinder anesthetization of Pentobarbital sodium and Urethane respectively.
Did you meet her on Tinder?
Because even though the ground has been dampened, much of the brush is tinder dry.
因为即使地面已经被抑制, 大部分地区仍然非常干燥。
Tinder was made by charring or partly burning linen or cotton rags.
But at this time of year, the wire grass is tinder box dry.
I searched everywhere, but your grandmother's tinder box was not there.
Before Tinder, choices for mates were often limited to as far as you could walk.
在 Tinder 出现之前,配偶的选择通常被限制在能走的最远范围内。
And heat has led to drought, which has dried up forests and created tinder for wildfires.
The sparks from the steel were caught on some dry tinder placed in a small metal box.
If that kindling's wet, you're gonna need a lot more tinder.
如果那根火种是湿的, 需要更多的火种。
'It is. Skene is burning like tinder'.
'这是。Skene 像火种一样燃烧。
Tinder claims to get 1.6 billion swipes per day.
Tinder 声称每天可获得 16 亿次滑动。
Then use paper, dry grass, or pine needles as tinder.
It was full of tinder and tincture.
If I wanted another job, I'd go on LinkedIn, not Tinder.
如果我想要另一份工作,我会去 LinkedIn, 而不是 Tinder。
You know, like, " I’m here, is anybody around? " Tinder for tramps.
知道,比如,“我在这里,附近有人吗?”流浪汉的 Tinder。
During the hot, dry summer of 1871, the place became a literal tinder box.
在 1871 年炎热干燥的夏季,这个地方变成名副其实的火绒盒。
The tinder was damp, —no wonder there, —and one after another the sparks died out.
Tinder asked me to be their community manager because I use the app so much.
Tinder 邀请我担任他们的社区管理员,因为我经常使用该应用程序。
Tinder supporters say the app can help users find like-minded people to talk to and, maybe, ask out on a date.
How do you guys feel what your opinions about online dating websites like tinder and Badoo?
们对 tinder 和 Badoo 等在线约会网站有何看法?