" O Wendy, " cried Tootles, " was one of the lost children called Tootles" ?
" 哦,温迪," 嘟嘟大声说," 是不是有一个迷失的嘟嘟?"
(Then Bedlam creeps screaming out of the bottles: TANA plunges into the recondite mazes of the train song, the plaintive " tootle toot-toot" blending its melancholy cadences with the " Poor Butter-fly (tink-atink), by the blossoms wait-ing" of the phonograph.
(然后 Bedlam 从瓶里尖
起来:TANA 陷入火车歌曲的深奥迷宫,哀伤的“tootle toot-toot”将其忧郁的节奏与“Poor Butter-fly (tink-atink)”混合在一起,在花朵等待-ing”的留声机。