5.I hope this illustrates the rationale behind our actions and demonstrates our ability to take feedback, admit mistakes and make changes, all transparently, to the public.
7.First, we need to double down on investments in sophisticated monitoring and verification tools for projects that can accurately and transparently track their progress.
8.But we privilege reading and writing because they allow us to communicate directly and transparently with people who live very far away from us, and they also allow us to kind of hear the voices of the dead.
9.I emailed Maria's publicist, Jess, who responded by sending us a quote from Maria's manager who said, quote, " Maria's team has always been completely transparent about their refusal to transparently comment on Maria's transparency." Yeah.
10.Now many of you may not know what that is, but that's a company that holds itself responsible for not just profit but its impact on people and the planet, and transparently reports on their performance on all of that.