A scourge means something that causes much pain and suffering, like the terrible diseases which Henrietta's unwitting, or unknowing, contribution helped eradicate.
Between 2013 and 2016, over 17,000 front-desk workers around the globe were faced with this choice, becoming unwitting participants in a massive study of honesty.
Now she found herself navigating an unfamiliar world where she was an unwitting celebrity, searching for a way to harness the fervor for something good.
From Red Caps they moved on to Kappas, creepy water-dwellers that looked like scaly monkeys, with webbed hands itching to strangle unwitting waders in their ponds.
The drama began with grainy television footage of Japanese prosecutors boarding the plane that delivered an unwitting Mr Ghosn to his arrest in Tokyo in November 2018.
Then, the attacker can instruct an unwitting user to configure their computer in a compromising way, or get them to reveal confidential details, like passwords or network configurations.