Specifically, psychologists define self-talk as verbalized thoughts directed toward yourself or some facet of your life.
What if we could just do that, not teach any element of positive thinking, but eliminate conversations about the heat, complaining about coaches, complaining about circumstances, complaining about situations, verbalizing negativity.
如果我们可以这样做 不教任何积极的元素 而是消除关于热度的对话 抱怨教练 抱怨环境 抱怨情况 用语言表达消极。
So, going back to the sentence, we have " Silence" – that is, not making any sound or noise – " is only frightening" – is only scary – " to people who are compulsively verbalizing" – that is, who can't resist saying their thoughts out loud.
所以,回到这句话, 我们有“沉默” ——也就是说,不发出任何声音或噪音——“只是可怕的” ——只是可怕的——“对那些迫性语言的人” ——也就是说, 谁不能拒绝大声说出他们的想法。