


go dutch dutch courage

Have you told her about your feelings? Not yet. It's kind of scary. Maybe I should have a drink first.

Oh, come on. Who needs Dutch courage? Be a real man and tell her! dutch comfort

Mark and l are over. I caught him in bed with Ursula. Welll. It could have been worse. At least you two weren't married

Is this supposed to make me feel better? You know, I've just been through a trauma. Dutch comfort is so not what I need right now

What do you expect me to say? I'm sorry to hear that ? I feel your pain? I've warned you about Mark. You wouldn't listen to me

Dam it . why can't you just be a friend for once? dutch uncle

Most of the judges love your dish. Frederick wasn't impressed though.

He said it was bland boring and nothing special. How dare he say that?

Who the heck does he think he is? Well. he always talks to me like a dutch uncle.
