Why The Paleo Diet Couldn't Save The Neanderthals


In 1994, the bones of a family of Neanderthals were discovered in El Sidrón cave, in northwest Spain.

They date to around 49,000 years ago, not long before the final days of the Neandertals.

And times must have been tough when this family lived, because their remains show signs of starvation and nutritional stress throughout their lives.

But their bones also give us other clues that food might've been hard to findBecause, it looks like these 13 Neanderthals were probably cannibalized.

And only a few thousand years after their deaths, Neanderthal remains no longer appear in the archaeological record - these human cousins became extinct.

So what happened to them?

These relatives of ours lived in Eurasia for more than 300,000 years.

They were expert tool makers, using materials like stone, wood, and animal bone.

They were also skilled hunters and foragers, and may even have created cave art.

So what caused the decline and disappearance of their population?
