来自黑洞的声音 This Is What a Supermassive Black Hole Sounds Like!



Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects in space.

They're extremely dense, with such strong gravitational fields, that not even light can escape their grasp.

Because nothing can escape a black hole, they are invisible, making them very difficult to find.

However, by using special telescopes we have detected them, by studying the influence they have on their surroundings.

But what some of you may be surprised to find out, is that we can also listen to these elusive cosmic monsters, and NASA has recently released the audio of a supermassive black hole located 250 million light-years away.

Now I know that many of you will be thinking "if space is a vacuum, then sound cannot travel through it".

But it turns out that this is a popular misconception.

Although most of space is essentially a vacuum providing no medium for sound waves to propagate through, a Galaxy cluster, on the other hand, has ample amounts of gas drifting between the hundreds or even thousands of galaxies within it.

This means that sound waves emanating from a supermassive black hole can travel many light years through this thin surrounding medium.

The audio recording you are about to hear was created after astronomers in 2003 discovered that sound waves sent out by a supermassive black hole caused ripples through the hot gas at the centre of the Perseus galaxy cluster, which is located 250 million lightyears away.
