Ariana Grande - we can't be friends (wait for your love)


2024年3月8日,A妹(Ariana Grande)发布了全新专辑《eternal sunshine》,其中的主打单曲《we can't be friends》的MV也于近日释出。故事以甜蜜回忆为主线,勾勒复杂的情感纠葛。MV更是请到了艾美奖得主Evan Peters来出演男主角,两大人气艺人强强联手,让人看了直呼过瘾。

I didn't think you'd understand me

How could you ever even try?

I don't wanna tiptoe, but I don't wanna hide

But I don't wanna feed this monstrous fire

Just wanna let this story die

And I'll be alright

We can't be friends

But I'd like to just pretend

You cling to your papers and pens

Wait until you like me again
