混合咖啡豆和液氮——出乎意料的好喝 Mixing Coffee Beans and Liquid Nitrogen - A Surprisingly Good Idea


Today, we're gonna be doing some grownup coffee science and some weird coffee science.

Because finally, I've got my hands on some liquid nitrogen, kind of as much as I want, 'cause I'm here at Cometeer and here at Cometeer, they have a lot of liquid nitrogen.

I think I just need to show you how much they have.

They have this tank of liquid nitrogen outside of the building.

This thing is huge.

It's like three stories tall.

It is just massive.

Now, if you're unfamiliar with Cometeer, they buy delicious coffees, extract them, and flash freeze them, so all you have to do is melt that back into hot water to have a delicious cup of coffee, which means they've got lots of liquid nitrogen and so we're gonna be replicating, to start with, the experiments of Chris Hendon.

Now, before we continue, there's a couple of disclosures I should make.

I'm here at Cometeer because they're extracting and I'm gonna taste some Square Mile's coffee to go into the capsules.
