02 基础滑行 Beginner Ski Lesson #1.2 - Sliding on Snow


Find yourself and nice flat area, place the skis on the snow, hip width apart and parallel.

Make sure the toe bindings are lined up together, one foot in the middle and we're ready to put the skis on.

Now bear in mind at this stage, depending on the snow, you might find you have snow stuck to the bottom of your boot.

You can either give it a tap with a ski stick, a scrape, place the toe under nice and straight, look behind, make sure it's lined up and give a good solid push.

You're in.

So you've got the skis on.

Now just spend a few minutes on the flat before you even start sliding, just getting used to the feeling of them.

Balance and lift them up, slide and forward.

One by one.

And walk back and forth a few times.
