加拿大这座湖每年都会变样 This Canadian Lake Changes Its Spots Every Year


在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的荒漠深处,藏着一颗被太阳烤化的宝石——斑点湖(Spotted Lake)。每年七月,当气温飙升至40℃,这片0.7平方公里的湖泊就会上演魔法:365个彩色池塘如星座般浮现,祖母绿、孔雀蓝、琥珀金在蒸腾的热浪中闪烁,宛如上帝打翻的颜料盒。

What do cheetahs, ladybugs, and a lake in Canada have in common?

And no, this isn't the setup to a bad joke.

The answer is that all three sport a striking pattern of spots.

But while the animals wear their stylish spots year-round, Canada's Spotted Lake only pulls out its polka dots for the summer.

And as some of these are many meters across and have a variety of colors, they make quite the fashion statement!

But while Spotted Lake might look unique, it has actually some competition.

There are several other lakes that share the necessary characteristics for these stunning spots.

Even some on other planets.

This polka-dot lake is in Canada, specifically in British Columbia.

And for most of the year, Spotted Lake doesn't look spotted at all.
