阿德里安·布劳迪2025奥斯卡最佳男主角获奖感言 Oscars 2025: Adrien Brody accepts award for best actor in 'The Brutalist'


3月3日,第97届奥斯卡颁奖典礼举行,阿德里安·布罗迪(Adrien Brody)凭借《粗野派》获得最佳男主角奖。他登台领奖时哽咽着说,感谢这个世界给予自己的爱,多谢带着尊敬和欣赏来对待自己的人,“表演……看起来很光鲜,但其实是一项很脆弱的职业。”

They are already counting me down.


Thank you, God.

Thank you for this blessed life.

If I may just humbly begin by giving thanks for the tremendous outpouring of love that I have felt from this world and every individual that has treated me with respect and appreciation.

I feel so fortunate.

You know, acting is a very fragile profession.

It looks very glamorous, and in certain moments it is, but the one thing that I've gained having the privilege to come back here is to have some perspective.

And no matter where you are in your career, no matter what you've accomplished, it can all go away.

And I think what makes this night most special is the awareness of that and the gratitude that I have to still do the work that I love.
