从东海岸到西海岸,美国各州民众纷纷分享本地独特的俚语与表达方式,让我们得以一窥语言的多元性与鲜明的地域特色。有些俚语是当地使用已久的独特说法;有的则是年轻人引领潮流的流行用语,彰显着当下的时尚态度。赶紧来紧跟语言潮流,掌握这些最潮最 in 的美式俚语吧。
Nevada slang terms.
I think we incorporated a lot of things from, like, the surrounding area.
Like, we might just adopt the Southern California slang terms.
"Awesome, rad, dude, bro."
"Oh, I'm stoked."
"Don't you know."
I don't know if people say "darlin'" a lot.
I call people "darlin'" a lot.
People call Atlanta the ATL.
I'm not sure who coined that term, but I love saying it.