大排档塑料椅如何征服全世界?How This Chair Conquered the World



No matter where in the world you're from, it is very likely that you have already sat in this chair at some point in your life.

This is the so-called Monobloc, probably the best-selling chair in history.

And still, it's getting a lot of hate.

So much that in Basel, Switzerland the chair even became a political issue.

For years it was forbidden by law to place the chair in outdoor areas of restaurants as people complained that they destroy the cityscape.

But how did we even get the Monobloc and is it an example of good or bad design?

You can find these chairs pretty much everywhere.

Outside of cafés in Denmark, inside an office in Tanzania or at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

These chairs made their way into our lives.

Now for anyone interested in design chair design is somewhat fascinating.
