苏纳克对谈马斯克 Rishi Sunak & Elon Musk: Talk AI, Tech & the Future


特斯拉CEO 马斯克与英国首相苏纳克进行了一次面对面的对话。在谈话中,马斯克称人工智能是“历史上最具破坏性的力量之一”,深入探讨了人工智能的危险和机遇。

Bill Gates said, there is no one in our time who has done more to push the bounds of science innovation than you.

Well, it's kind to be said.

Yeah, well, that's a nice thing to have anyone say that.

Nice coming from Bill Gates.

But oddly enough, when it comes to AI, actually, for around a decade, you've almost been doing the opposite and saying, hang on, we need to think about what we're doing and what we're pushing here, and what do we do to make this safe, and maybe we shouldn't be pushing as fast or as hard as we are.

I mean, you've been doing it for a decade.

What was it that caused you to think about it that way and, you know, why do we need to be worried?

Yeah, I've been somewhat of a Cassandra for quite a while, well, people would, I would tell people, like, we should really be concerned about AI, and they'd be like, what are you talking about?

Like, I've never really had any experience with AI.

Since I was immersed in technology, I have been immersed in technology for a long time, I could see it coming.
