如何在雅思口语考试中不紧张 How NOT to be nervous in IELTS Speaking


Hi, it's keith from the keithspeakingacademy. And today, I'd like to look at one of the most difficult things for many students in the IELTS speaking test.

And that's about not being nervous in the IELTS speaking test. So I want to share with you some tips, ideas, and strategies to help you control your nerves so that you can be much more confident in the IELTS speaking test.

Interested? Keep watching. Hi, if you don't know me, my name is Keith and I run the keithspeakingacademy and my goal is to help you speak better English, give better answers in IELTS and so get a higher score.

I hope the youtube videos can help you. Do join me, if you haven't already, every Tuesday and Thursday 10 o'clock Spanish time because I live in spain. Live lessons on YouTube.

I also have an online course. It's on Udemy. There's a link below. That might also help you with your IELTS speaking but let's get into it.

Today, being nervous, what's that all about? Right? Well, I think there are two things to understand about being nervous.

First of all is, it's physiological. Oh, there's a fancy word.

Physiological means it's a body reaction, right? So, when you have stress or you're in an uncomfortable situation, your body reacts, right?

Similar to if it's hot, you sweat. It's physiological, you can't stop it.

So, when you're, you have stress, right, well, your body reacts, it releases a hormone called adrenaline. Your heart beats faster, your breathing speeds up, you may start to sweat.
