05 重要的身体语言:眼神交流 The Most Common Body Language Problem - Eye Contact


It's without a doubt that eye contact is the most important body language aspect that you need to improve on. Cereal boxes with mascots making eye contact with consumers are purchased significantly more than those that do not.

80% percent of all patient complaints in hospitals, mention a lack of eye contact between the doctor and the patient. Scientists even suggest that the reason why we're the only primates in the world with white in our eyes is due to the fact that our eyes are meant to be seen.

Eye contact is just that important. But we've all met that guy who stares at us just a little too much.

Too much eyecontact and you'll come off as hostile, intimidating, condescending and even straight-up crazy. It can easily make others feel uncomfortable and make you come off as quote unquote too intense.

On the other side of the spectrum there's that guy who barely looks at you when he talks. Too little eye contact and you'll appear nervous, insincere and disinterested.

Lack of eye contact will also make it very hard for you to build friendships and even harder for you to find romance. But if you can get it just right you unlock a whole plethora of benefits.

People with good eye contact come off as significantly more confident and charismatic. Studies have shown that those who maintain a good amount of eye contact are more memorable; are perceived as more popular and are more attractive to members of the opposite sex.

But what exactly is good eye contact? Generally the rule to go by is the 80/20 rule.

You want to be holding eye contact for eighty percent of the time and you want to be glancing elsewhere for twenty percent of the time. Other key points to keep in mind:

Number 1: you want to focus on only one eye. It doesn't matter whether it's the right one or the left one.
