The Rat Catcherw This is an old story from Germany. The story is also called the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Hamlin is a city by a river. It is a nice city, but the people are not happy.
Hamlin is a city with many rats. Rats are eating the food! Rats are eating clothes!
"We need help!" says the mayor. A man with a pipe comes to the city.
His coat is orange and red. "For 1000 gold coins, I can make the rats go away. For 1000 gold coins, I can make you happy!" he says.
"Can you?" says the mayor, "I will give you 50,000 gold coins, not 1,000!" The man plays his pipe. He walks in the city. The rats hear the music.
They follow him. Rats, rats and more rats! He walks to the river.
He walks into the river. The rats walk into the river. The river takes the rats away.
No more rats! The people are happy. The mayor is happy, too.
"Thank you! Thank you!" says the mayor. "50,000 gold coins, please!" says the man.