谷歌发布最新AI模型 Gemini: Google's newest and most capable AI model


当地时间12月6日,谷歌公司宣布推出其规模最大、功能最强大的新大型语言模型Gemini,值得一提的是在测试中,Gemini Ultra以90.0%的高分,首次超过了人类专家。一年前,在人工智能开发机构OpenAI发布聊天机器人ChatGPT后,创造了当前人工智能热潮背后大部分基础技术的谷歌措手不及,这次推出的Gemini也被认为是谷歌对其的反击。

You know, one of the reasons we got interested in AI from the very beginning is that we always viewed our mission as a timeless mission.

It's to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

But as information has grown in scale and complexity, you know, the problem has gotten harder.

So we always knew we needed to have a deeper breakthrough to make progress.

I've worked on AI my whole life because I've always felt it would be the most beneficial and consequential technology for humanity.

Human beings in our society, we have five senses, and the world we built, and the media we consume is in those different modalities.

So, I'm super proud and excited to announce the launch of the Gemini era, a first step towards a truly universal AI model.

The Gemini approach to multimodality is all the kinds of things you want an artificial intelligence system to be able to do, and these are capabilities that haven't really existed in computers before.

Traditionally, multimodal models are created by stitching together text-only, vision-only, and audio-only models in a suboptimal way at a secondary stage.

Gemini is multimodal from the ground up, so it can seamlessly have a conversation across modalities and give you the best possible response.
