特斯拉赛博皮卡v.s 兰博基尼 Tesla Cybertruck v Lamborghini Urus: DRAG RACE



What will win in a drag race between the new Tesla Cybertruck and a Lamborghini Urus.

Well, I'm gonna find out by racing them over the standing quarter mile.

And it's not just any quarter mile, it's actually a new road that's just been built at Tesla's Gigafactory in Austin, Texas.

In fact, it's still being built.

There's like construction going off just over there.

There's a steamroller.

I wonder if I'm gonna steamroller that Lamborghini Urus.

We're gonna find out.

I'm Matt Watson and you're watching Carwow.

Anyway, let me tell you about the Cybertruck.
