

如何成为天文迷?从这里开始吧(3) Did the Eclipse Give You the Amateur Astronomy Bug? Here's How to Get Started

I have one of those.

So, that's one setup that I have.

I actually have two more.

They all have names, by the way.

The one I'm going to tell you about is called Chucky, and Chucky is a sixty one Millimeter refractor, so it's also very lightweight.

It's on a ZWO AM5 mount.

So, telescopes basically (is) a camera lens, like a telescope is a very fancy camera lens.

And then I have a little computer that I use to pick out where I want the mount to go.

And it actually feeds me the images, and then at the back of the telescope I have a special astronomy camera that's actually designed specifically for capturing astronomical images.

So that's Chucky, and that's my, I guess, right now, my big astrophotography setup.
