The US-Canada border splits this road down the middle


I'm not allowed to cross this road, because this is the town of Stanstead, Canada.

On the other side of the street is Derby Line, USA and the border between the two countries runs right down this: Rue Canusa.

For local residents, that can be inconvenient.

- I've lived here all my life, so 63 years.

Today you cannot cross over the line and visit your neighbours, like years ago.

If you want to cross, you have to report at customs.

You know I used to cross every day, but now I probably cross once every... about once a week because I come down to the post office over here.

To go through the border, basically, they ask you for your passport, they go inside, I guess they look at whether you have a record or not.

They'll look at your registration of your car and a couple of minutes and you've gone through.

I'm a dual citizen so I'm American and Canadian.
