微软CEO专访:微软新品如何对抗苹果 Microsoft CEO on How New Windows AI Copilot+ PCs Beat Apple's Macs | WSJ


全新 AI 模型 GPT-4o诞生才刚刚过去一周,微软再度给世界带来震撼,全球首发了Copilot+ PC,由新款Surface产品所搭载。在接受华尔街日报采访时,微软CEO萨提亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)表示,微软为热爱Windows系统的用户们创造出了一台值得骄傲的新品。相比于AI电脑,纳德拉更倾向称其为「Copilot+ PC」,他希望Copilot 系统未来能拓展至手机、智能眼镜等硬件中。

Apple's done a fantastic job of really innovating on the Mac, we are gonna outperform them.

So you feel like you've got Apple now.

We have a computer for people who love Windows that they can be very, very proud of.

Microsoft, CEO Satya Nadella is very excited about his new Windows computers because they're not just any Windows computers.

Can we call 'em AI-puters?

No, I like Copilot+PC.

Yes, these Copilot+PCs coming from Microsoft itself and others like Lenovo and Dell have been completely re-engineered for.

AI, AI, AI, AI, AI as a new input.

But what even is an AI computer?

Microsoft's latest have new chips and AI software that can do some cool tricks without even needing to connect to the internet.
