OpenAI CEO谈人工智能 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifies during Senate hearing on AI oversight


5月16日,OpenAI 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Sam Altman 在华盛顿特区举行的参议院司法小组委员会听证会上发表讲话,他表示“OpenAI正在努力打造工具,解决人类面临的一些最大的挑战。如气候变化和癌症治疗,并且发布任何新系统之前都会进行广泛的测试,确保安全。”

OpenAI was founded on the belief that artificial intelligence has the potential to improve nearly every aspect of our lives, but also that it creates serious risks we have to work together to manage.

We're here because people love this technology.

We think it can be a printing press moment.

We have to work together to make it so.

OpenAI is an unusual company, and we set it up that way because AI is an unusual technology.

We are governed by a non-profit and our activities are driven by our mission and our charter, which commit us to working to ensure the broad distribution of the benefits of AI and to maximizing the safety of AI systems.

We are working to build tools that one day can help us make new discoveries and address some of humanity's biggest challenges, like climate change and curing cancer.

Our current systems aren't yet capable of doing these things, but it has been immensely gratifying to watch many people around the world get so much value from what these systems can already do today.

We love seeing people use our tools to create, to learn, to be more productive.

We're very optimistic that there are going to be fantastic jobs in the future and that current jobs can get much better.
