I began paying out the nylon line.
The girl let the kite fly to the sky by paying out the string.
Powerball, paying out a whopping $425 million jackpot last night.
Well, 5% of $10 million--I'm paying out $500,000.
1000万美元的5% 支500万美元。
And how much am I paying out every year?
Nicaragua`s system has been paying out more than it`s been taking in.
The Ukrainian government alone is currently paying out survivors' benefits over 35,000 families.
目前,仅乌克兰政府就向 3.5 万多个家庭发放了抚恤金。
Although Britons can get ordinary health care without paying out of pocket, social care is means-tested.
And now that you should be paying out, you are suddenly saying that you didn't receive it on time.
We were paying out far too much on basic services. It just wasn't allowing for realistic profit margins.
By paying out to victims, insurance firms inflate ransom demands.
It starts paying out if the prenup is challenged in court—so the company's profit will come from making that unlikely.
Insurance companies were slow paying out on claims for flood damage.
Will be schemes carry on paying out pensions in the future?
So if you don't pay teachers, because most teachers are paying out of their own pocket to take care of these students.
The agency's dual responsibility for paying out disability compensation and for research, V.A. critics say, puts the department at odds with itself.
So, if you have a ten percent profit margin, you are making or bringing in ten percent more than you are paying out.
所以,如果你有 10% 的润率,那么你赚到或带来的收入比你付的多 10%。
Fischman: If you're uninsured, you've probably been paying for COVID tests out of pocket already, even before the public health emergency ended.
Fischman:如果你没有保险,你可已经在自掏腰包支付 COVID 测试费用,甚至在公共卫生紧急情况结束之前。
We saw this recently with Twitch where they cut how much they were paying out to their creators and there's very little recourse.
我们最近在 Twitch 上看到了这一点, 他们削减了向创作者支付的费用, 而且几乎没有追索权。
To top it off, Disney will restart paying out dividends by the end of 2023. For all that, Mr Iger left several key questions unanswered.
最重要的是, 迪士尼将在 2023 年底前重新开始支付股。尽管如此,艾格先生仍未回答几个关键问题。
They may be reduced slightly, but most of these companies have really good earnings cover, so we'd expect them to keep paying out dividends.
它们可会略有减少, 但这些公司中的大多数都有很好的收益保障,所以我们预计它们会继续派发股。
Rather than paying out money with no prospect of a return, investors would far rather see the underlying portfolio companies sold, even at a loss, and the fund wound up.