Mostly on purpose. Yeah.I had to change my frame up and make sure that I was much more feminine in the, in the outfits that I was supposed to be wearing.
That trend is all about the documentation of experiences, how consumers are using photography to frame up these experiences to be able to elevate their status amongst their group of peers on their network.
And on the day we shot with, with Ty the Elephant the shot was designed to have Shep framed up with George and then George introduces his dog to Ursula and says, This is my dog.
在我们和大象 Ty 一起拍摄天,镜头设计是让 Shep 陷害 George,然后 George 把他狗介绍给 Ursula 并说,这是我狗。
I love museums, but the last thing I'm thinking about when I'm walking through one is the person who hung the frame up on the wall, or the person who wrote the description next to the masterpiece.