In operation vena saphena magna in 1 case was injured.7 cases felt knee joint pain after operation.
They conclude that Lucy could straighten her knee joints, enabling her to stand and walk upright as we do and thereby inhabit grasslands, but also that her big, powerful leg muscles helped her live in trees like modern apes.
Wow! She is really hyper flexible. It's hypermobility, not just in the knee joint, but in the hip joint as well. Cause to do that whole rotation there, I could see that causing a significant problem medically down the line.
哇 她真的超灵活 这是关节过度活动综合征 不仅是膝关节 髋关节也是 因为这一整套旋转动作下来 我可以预料这样下去会导致一个重