The design parameters of anodic protection coolers and the reason why to choose a prepump process are presented.
The design parameters of anodic protection coolers and the reason why to choose a prepump process are presented.
It will be cooler when the sun has set.
Bulk nilk coolers on farns.
Food processing nachinery.
Usually a gas cooler is used between the combustion chamber and hydrator.
After canicule, autumn will soon come, and it'll be much cooler.
Keep in the shade; it's cooler.
你就在阴凉处呆着吧, 那儿比较凉快。
Half the number of bolts in floating head of deethanizer overhead cooler were brittle fractured.
3 Air cooler and oil cooler shall be made of red copper, albata seamless tube or other corrosion prevention tubing.
The phase shift theory and transmission line model of inertance tube in the Stirling type pulse tube cooler were introduced.
Two-stage cold coal gas station consists of two-stage coal gasifier, electric detarrer, indirect cooler, electric deoiler, air cooler and coal gas pressure adder.
Even if you plan to overclock your HTPC, this cooler will sure able to keep the CPU running quiet and cool while you are enjoying in your entertainments.
The pastille system is consisted of rotoformer and cooler. The rotofomer drop the liquid on the belt evenly and the drop solidified as the belt is moving forward continuously.
The calculations agree well with experimental results, which indicates that the model is instructive on the optimization of the dimension of inertance tube in Stirling type pulse tube cooler. 3.