Australopithecus had an apish cranium.
Farther north, in Pretoria, the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History hosts the skull of Mrs Ples, a representative of Australopithecus africanus, cousin to prometheus, and one of the most famous hominin fossils yet found.
再往北,在比勒陀利亚,Ditsong 国家自然历史博物馆收藏着普莱斯夫人头骨, 普莱斯夫人非洲方古猿代表, 普罗米修斯表亲, 也迄今发现最著名古人类化石之一。
But anyway, when Berger went back to the fossil site to hunt for the rest of his skeleton, he discovered another, and another, and another — six skeletons in all, belonging to that species he named Australopithecus Sediba.