| 划词

Australopithecus had an apish cranium.




AMOCO, amodiaquin, amodiaquine, amodin, Amodyn, amoeba, amoebae, amoeban, amoebean, amoebiasis, amoebic, Amoebic dysentery, amoebiform, Amoebina, Amoebobacter, amoebocyte, amoeboid, amoeboidmovement, amoebula, amoeda, amogastrin, amoil, amok, AMOL, amolanone, amole, AMOLED, AMON, Amond, among, among other things, amongst, Amonia, Amont, amontillado, amopyroquine, Amor, amoral, amoralia, amorce, Amore, amoretti, amoretto, amorism, amorist, AMorite, amoroso, amorous, amorously, amorph, amorpha, amorphic, amorphinism, amorphism, amorphognosia, amorphous, amort, amortisation, amortise, amortised, amortisement, amortisseur, amortizable, amortizatin, amortization, amortizationpayment, amortize, amortizement, Amos, amosan, amoscanate, amosite, amotivational, amount, amount to, amounts, amour, amour-propre, amoxapine, amoxecaine, amoxiciliin, amoxicillin, amoxy, amoxycillin, Amoy, amozonolysis, amp, amp., AMPA, ampacity, ampalaya, ampangabeite, AMPAS, ampasimenite, Ampco, Ampcoloy, Ampeliscidae, ampelite, ampelopsis, ampelotherapy, amperage, ampere, ampere hour, ampere turn, Amperebalance, ampere-balance, Amperecapacity, ampere-capacity, ampere-conductor, Ampereconductors, ampere-conductors, ampere-feet, amperehour, ampere-hour, amperemeter, ampere-minute, ampere-second, ampere-turn, ampere-turns, ampere-winding, amperite, amperometer, amperometric, amperometry, amperostat, ampersand, Ampex, Ampharetidae, Ampharetinae, ampheclexis, amphemera, amphemerous, Amphenol, amphenone, ampherotoky, amphetamine, amphi-, amphiapomict, amphiarthrodial, amphiarthrosis, amphiaster, amphibia, amphibian, amphibians, Amphibicorisae, Amphibioidei, amphibiology, amphibiome, amphibiotic, amphibious, amphibivalent, amphiblastic, amphiblastula, amphibole, amphibolia, amphibolic, Amphibolidae, amphibolide, amphibolite, amphibolization, amphibology, amphibolous, amphiboly, amphibrach, amphicar, amphicar-cinogenic, amphicarpous, amphicarpy, amphicentric, Amphichelydia, amphichroic, amphichromation, amphichrome, Amphicoela, amphicoelian, amphicoelous, amphicrania, amphicreatine, amphicreatinine, amphicribral, amphicryptophyte, amphictyon, amphictyonic, amphictyony, Amphicyonidae, amphicyte, amphicytula, amphid, amphidesmic, amphidesmous, amphidetic, amphidiarthrosis, amphidiploid, amphidiploidy, amphidisc, Amphidiscophora, Amphidiscosa, amphidrome, amphidromia, amphierotism, amphigamous, amphigamy, amphigastrium, amphigene, amphigenesis, amphigenetic, amphigenous, amphigonadism, amphigonium, amphigony, amphigory, amphigouri, amphigynous, amphihaploid, amphikaryon, amphilepsis, Amphilestidae, amphileucemic, amphileukemic, Amphilinidea, amphimacer, Amphimerus, Amphimerycidae, Amphimerycoidea, amphimict, amphimictic, amphimictical, amphimixis, Amphimonadidae, amphimorphic, amphimorula, Amphineura, amphinucleolus, amphinucleus, amphion, amphiont, amphioxea, amphioxus, amphipath, amphipathic, amphipeptone, amphi-permeability, amphiphile, amphiphilic, amphiphloic, amphiphyte, amphiplatyan, amphiploid, amphipneustic, amphipnile, amphipod, Amphipoda, amphipolyploid, amphiporids, amphiprostyle, amphiprostylos, amphiprotic, Amphirrhina, amphisapropel, amphisarca, amphisbaena, amphisbaenian, Amphisopidae, amphispore, Amphissitidae, Amphistaenidae, amphisternous, amphistome, amphistomiasis, amphistomus, amphistylar, amphistylic, amphistyly, amphitene, amphiterotoky, amphithalite, amphithallism, amphitheater, amphitheatral, amphitheatre, amphitheatric, amphitheatrical, amphithecium, amphitoky, amphitriaene, amphitricha, amphitrichate, amphitrichous, amphitrite, Amphitritinae, amphitrocha, amphitropal, amphitrophy, amphitropous, Amphitryon, amphitypy, Amphiumidae, amphivalency, amphivasal, amphixenosis, Amphizoidae, amphocyte, amphodelite, amphodiplopia, amphogenic, amphoheterogony, amphoipathicsubstance, ampholyte, ampholytoid, amphomoronal, amphopentone, amphora, amphoric, amphoriloquy, Amphoriscidae, amphorophony, amphosome, amphosyndesis, amphotalide, amphotere, amphoteric, amphotericin, amphotericity, amphotericsurfactant, amphoterism, amphoterite, amphoterodiplopia, amphotomy, amphotropine, amphtrac,


3G, 401(K), a,



Scientists believe Australopithecus first appeared in Africa about 3.85 million years ago.


当月 VOA Special English

Selam, the Ethiopian name for another Australopithecus fossil, means " peace" in Amharic.



He placed its age at two million years and dubbed it Australopithecus africanus, or southern ape man of Africa.



Even his chosen name, Australopithecus, showed a lack of scholarly application, combining as it did Greek and Latin roots.


SciShow 合集

Or from more ancient Homo habilis … or even from Australopithecus?

或者来自更古老能人… … 甚至来自南方古猿?

Life Noggin

Let's start off with one of the most famous human-like groups: the Australopithecus.



So this here is— this is one side of the pelvis of Lucy, the famous Australopithecus from Ethiopia.

RM:所以这是——这是来自埃塞俄比亚著名南方古猿露西 (Lucy) 一侧。

经济学人 Science and technology

Mrs Ples was originally blasted from Member 4, the source of almost every Australopithecus fossil from Sterkfontein.

Mrs Ples 最初是从 Member 4 炸毁,它是 Sterkfontein 几乎所有南方古猿化石来源。

BBC 听力 2023年6月合集

Lucy belonging to the extinct species Australopithecus afarensis was discovered in northern Ethiopia in 1974, with about 40 % of her skeletal bones extant.



Fitch said it is possible the simplified development happened in a human ancestor called Australopithecus, which combined ape-like and human-like elements.


SciShow 合集

In fact, they’re similar to the skeletons of one of our earlier ancestors, Australopithecus afarensis, which dates back more than 3 million years.

事实上, 它们与我们更早祖先之一南方古猿阿法种 (Australopithecus afarensis) 骼相似, 后者历史可追溯到 300 万年前。

经济学人 Science and technology

There being, until now, no evidence of Australopithecus in southern Africa at this time, researchers have assumed Homo evolved in east Africa as well.

直到现在, 没有证据表明此时南部非洲存在南方古猿,研究人员假设人属也在东非进化。

Life Noggin

Certain species, like Australopithecus afarensis, lived in eastern Africa around 3 to 4 million years ago, walked upright on two legs, and had ape-like faces.

某些物种,如南方古猿阿法种, 生活在大约 3 到 4 百万年前东非,用两条腿直立行走, 长着类人猿脸。

经济学人 Science and technology

That brings into question whether Australopithecus emerged in east Africa at all, and hints that the genus may be even older than previously thought.


经济学人 Science and technology

In a glass case at the vault's centre, resting on blue velvet, is Little Foot, the near-complete remains of a member of the species Australopithecus prometheus.


经济学人 Science and technology

She (if " she" she be) is now classified as the first discovered adult specimen of Australopithecus, the direct ancestors of Homo, the genus of modern humans.

她(如果是“她” 话)现在被归类为第一个发现南方古猿成年标本,南方古猿是现代人属直系祖先。

经济学人 Science and technology

Farther north, in Pretoria, the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History hosts the skull of Mrs Ples, a representative of Australopithecus africanus, cousin to prometheus, and one of the most famous hominin fossils yet found.

再往北,在比勒陀利亚,Ditsong 国家自然历史博物馆收藏着普莱斯夫人, 普莱斯夫人是非洲南方古猿代表, 普罗米修斯表亲, 也是迄发现最著名古人类化石之一。

What it takes 名人访谈

But anyway, when Berger went back to the fossil site to hunt for the rest of his skeleton, he discovered another, and another, and another — six skeletons in all, belonging to that species he named Australopithecus Sediba.


SciShow 合集

It’s hard to eliminate Australopithecus as a possibility without a more complete skeleton, but the shape of the newly-found jaw and teeth showed some similarity to the teeth of early Homo erectus -- more so than Homo habilis.

如果没有更完整骼, 很难排除南方古猿可能性,但新发现和牙齿形状与早期直立人牙齿有一些相似之处——比能人更相似。



anapestic, anaphase, anaphia, anaphora, anaphoric, anaphrodisia, anaphrodisiac, anaphrodite, anaphylactic, anaphylactic shock,


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