Calypso in her caves constrained his stay.
Would any Circe or Calypso—and if so, what one? —ever check this pale-haired scientist's nocturnal sailings into the interminable spaces overhead, and hurl all his mighty calculations on cosmic force and stellar fire into Limbo?
有没有一个Circe或Calypso——如果的话, 哪一个? ——会检查这位
顶无尽的空间, 并将他对宇宙力量和恒星火的所有强大计算都扔进Limbo吗?
ALICE WINKLER: The jobs she did go on to have, by the 1950s, included singing in a nightclub, acting in the European tour of Porgy and Bess, dancing with Alvin Ailey on television, and recording an album called Calypso Lady.
In her suitcase she had a red velour hoodie she had bought at Calypso and a gold watch shaped like a beetle – a gift from her father, " a very, very good man" , who gave neighbours financial help and donated to hospitals.
在她的手提箱里, 她有一件在 Calypso 买的红色丝绒连帽衫和一只甲虫形状的金表——这她父亲送给邻居的礼物,“一个非常非常好的人” ,他为邻居提供经济帮助并捐赠给医院。