4.Objective To compare the uterogestation of endametrium alteration and uterine arteria blood flow with ectopic pregnancy using color Doppler ultrasonography.
8.The showcase, by running a small train, displays Doppler speed testing, materials detection, noise monitoring, supersonic distance testing, track weighing, and photoreader, etc.
9.Dual light path Laser Doppler Vibrameter System that can meet the out-of-plane vibration measurement for the slope plane and any curved surfaces is first proposed.
10.Objective To observe pulsative index (PI), resistant index (RI) of placental helicine arteries by colour Doppler, analyses relation between PI, RI and developing of pregnant hypertension.
11.Deep phlebothrombosis was found in 6 of the 10 cases who were performed color Doppler ultrasonography on the lower extremity while valve dysfunction was found in one case.
20.For example, we created this running sound with frequent gaps so that people with visual impairments could locate their robots using the Doppler effect.