Autos were supposed to focus on the mystery of the Eucharist or communion and how bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. But topics varied a lot.
He looked through the crystal shield at the Eucharist. What was that oozing from the wafer—dripping down between the points of the golden sun—down on to his white robe?
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops voted to draft a statement examining the " meaning of the eucharist in the life of the church" , a decision made public on June 18th.
On the Feast of Corpus Christi, an annual celebration of the Eucharist, they took their faith to the streets as proof that the city is still home to a vibrant Catholic community.
在一年一度的体事庆典 Corpus Christi 盛宴上, 他们将信仰带到街头, 以此证明这座城市仍然一个充满活力的天主教社区的家园。
The teaching on the Blessed Trinity and the Eucharist appears to have been so handed down for some hundred years; and when at length reduced to writing, it has filled many folios, yet has not been exhausted.