Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.
On the World No Tobacco Day, David Byrne, European Union Commissioner for Health, called for strong support for new European Community regulations aimed at tobacco products.
My first guiding principle is this: willing and active cooperation between independent sovereign states is the best way to build a successful European Community.
European Union (EU)---An economic and political union established in 1993 after the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty by members of the European Community, including the UK.
Its main character John Flory is an unmarried teak merchant who is bored by the company of the local European community and prefers the company of an Indian hospital doctor.
The European Community is a practical means by which Europe can ensure the future prosperity and security of its people in a world in which there are many other powerful nations and groups of nations.