The region’s strong economy has given momentum to the independence movement, with the pro-separatist New Flemish Alliance now the biggest party in the country.
At the approach of big sale times especially, the slide brought down an endless stream of Lyons silks, English woollens, Flemish linens, Alsatian calicoes, and Rouen prints.
A faded Flemish tapestry, a curtained picture, an old Italian cassone, and an almost empty book-case—that was all that it seemed to contain, besides a chair and a table.
He established Sir Anthony van Dyck, a leading Flemish painter who had made his name in the Dutch Republic and Italy in the 1620s, as the official court painter in London.
他任命安东尼·凡·戴克爵士(Sir Anthony van Dyck)为伦敦的官方宫廷画家,安东尼·凡·戴克爵士是佛兰德斯著名画家, 曾于 1620 年代在荷兰共和国和意大利声名鹊起。