Objective To investigate the feasibility of applying immunohistochemistry (IH) and in situ hybridization (ISH) technique to the undecalcified bone sections.
All three of our syllables here have the IH as in Sit vowel. Specific.
我们这里的三个音节都有 IH,如坐元音。
You start with an 'L', 'lin', with a relaxed 'ih' sound.
A quick IH vowel and the SH consonant, -ish, -ish, -ish, -ish. Make that very quickly. Simplify everything.
个很快的IH元音和SH辅音构成,-ish, -ish, -ish, -ish。发音要快。切都要简单。
The first syllable can be the AI diphthong or the IH as in sit vowel. Identify or identify.
第个音节可以是 AI 双元音,也可以是 IH 如坐元音。
The first unstressed syllable can have either the EH as in Bed vowel or IH as in Sit vowel.
第个无重音的音节可以有 EH 作为床头元音,也可以有 IH 作为坐头元音。
The ih sound sometimes turns into an ah sound.
ih 音有时会变成 ah 音。
So that vowel shift goes from ih, to uh.
所以元音转换从 ih, 到 uh。
The IH as in SIT vowel in that unstressed syllable.
IH 与 SIT 中的元音样位于该非重读音节中。
Then it sounds like: only, ih, ih, ee, ee.
然后听起来像:only, ih, ih, ee, ee。
Now the jaw drops for the IH vowel, and the lips relax.
现在下巴因 IH 元音而掉落,嘴唇放松。
For people with idiopathic hypersomnia, or IH, that's not the case.
对于患有特发性嗜睡症或 IH 的人来说,情况并非如此。
IH as in sit is not pure here. The R does change it.
坐下的 IH 在这里并不纯粹。 R确实改变了。
Because the vowel changes this vowel sound, ih, ah, uh, actually bounces along your mouth.
因为元音改变了这个元音的发音,ih, ah, uh,实际上在你的嘴里弹跳。
Ih— But when IH it is followed by NG, it changes.
Th—th— Now an IPA, this would be written phonetically with the IH vowel.
Th—th— 现在是 IPA,这将用 IH 元音拼写。
English has around 20 vowel phonemes like ee, ih, eh, aa, ay, ah, aw, oh, uh, and ooh.
英语有大约 20 个元音音素,如 ee、ih、eh、aa、ay、ah、aw、oh、uh 和 ooh。
It goes from sounding like EE to sounding more like IH.
从听起来像 EE 到听起来更像 IH。
Rather than IH, English, it's EE, English, it's closer to the EE as in SHE vowel.
不是 IH, English, 而是 EE, English,更接近 SHE 元音中的 EE。
It's not quite how we actually pronounce it with the IH vowel.
这并不是我们实际用 IH 元音发音的方式。
If it's too far away from the roof of the mouth, then it sounds like IH instead of EE. Only.
如果离上颚太远,那么听起来像 IH 而不是 EE。 仅有的。