Peptide deformylase (PDF) is an essential enzyme involving in bacterial protein biosynthesis.
With thebuilt-in viewer, you can copy fragments of agraphic, plain and formatted text, PDF, HTML andothers files.
Always submit it as a PDF file.
Sampson was sent a PDF by an academic source.
一位学术人士向桑普森发送了一份 PDF 件。
Don't forget to download the PDF that we have prepared for you.
别忘了下载我们为你准的 PDF 件。
McDonald pulls out a MacBook Pro and loads the PDF of his Brexit contingency plan.
Remember, as always, I have created a free PDF that goes along with this lesson.
请记住,一如既往地,我为这节课创建了一个免费的 PDF。
Let me know if you need PDF backups of those.
如果你要携式格式的份的话 和我说就好。
What? Don't ruin it for me, man. I printed out a PDF to read on the potty.
咋了 别提前爆料 我为了边蹲便壶边看把PDF件都打出来了。
Don't forget to download the PDF for today's lesson.
He knows my last name. I'm his girlfriend.We have a contract and everything.I'll send you a PDF.
Alternatively, we have a link in the description below with a note-taking PDF.
或者,我们在下面的描述栏里有一个关于记笔记的 PDF 链接。
The link to get that free PDF is down in the description below.
获取免费 PDF 的链接就在下面的描述中。
You sign up to my mailing list, and I send the PDF and quiz directly to your inbox.
注册到我的邮件列表,然后我会把 PDF 和测验直接发送到你的收件箱。
These are the ones that are included in your free PDF.
这些是包含在免费 PDF 中的内容。
You'll receive a daily email with a PDF sheet with instructions for the next day.
你会收到一封每日电子邮件,里面的 PDF 格式的表格说明了每一天的工作。
So what happened is, the data that you just saw was actually on a PDF.
所你们刚才看到的 数据确实是来自一个PDF。
Our city budget is only readable right now in PDF form.
我们城市的预算只能 在PDF格式的件里才能看到。
You'll get monthly PDFs with worksheets, extra practice to work on, and lots of cool stuff.
你会得到每月的 pdf 档和工作表,额外的练习,及很多很酷的东西。
And so here I just drag the PDF right into here, you notice how fast it image by the way.
You can imagine how many PDFs that is.
To assist you, I've also created a free PDF that goes with this lesson.
为了帮助你,我还为这节课创建了配套的免费 PDF。