| 划词

1.Structured Query Language (SQL), in computer science, is a database sublanguage used in querying, updating, and managing relational databases.



2.Features include- Project description: SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.

2.SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.


3.1, DBCC PINTABLE Marks a table to be pinned, which means Microsoft SQL Server does not flush the pages for the table from memory.

3.将SQL Server数表驻留内存是SQL Server提供的一项功能,在一般小型系统的开发过程中少会涉及到。


4.For example, in precompiler application development, a cursor is a named resource available to a program and can be used specifically to parse SQL statements embedded within the application.




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1.This command instructs the SQL database to delete the table containing all user data.

此命令指示 SQL 数据库删除包含所有数据的表。机翻

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2.And we'll do the same with Python and SQL and other languages as well.


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3.Note also that SQL commands end with a semicolon.

另请注意,SQL 命令以分号结机翻

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4.By sending in a malicious username, with embedded SQL commands!

通过发送带有嵌入式 SQL 命令的恶意机翻

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5.To do this, the server will execute code, known as a SQL query, that looks something like this.

为此,服务器将代码,称为 SQL 查询,看起来像这样。机翻

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6.Either way, we don't care, because it's the next SQL command we're interested in: " drop table users" – a command that we injected by manipulating the username field.

无论哪种方式,我们都不关心,因为这是我们感兴趣的下一个 SQL 命令:“drop table users”——我们通过操作字段注入的命令。机翻

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7.That value is copied into the SQL query by the server, based on what the user typed in, so the actual command that's sent to the SQL database would look something like this, where username equals philbin.

服务器根据输入的内容将该值复制到 SQL 查询中,因此发送到 SQL 数据库的实际命令看起来像这样,其中等于 philbin。机翻

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