TAPI wa gin za kuar duit liao, duet u SMS kar lu kong.
The refined solvent oil with less than 0.1%aromatics wa s used in medicine Brufen production as conventional solvent.
Ronen GOG WA was working with Mugabe.
当时Ronen GOG WA和Mugabe一起工作。
Rotto is Rottnest Island in WA.
Rotto 是西澳的罗特尼斯岛。
The roads are clear as I set off from Vancouver, WA toward Inner State 5.
Wa...wasn't there a plumber? Your mother said you were in love with a plumber.
" Wa na" , " one of" , " wa na the best" , and keep " the best" .
" /wʌ nə/" ," one of" ," /wʌ nə ðə/ best" ,并且发出" best" 。
I was sorry. I wa, I wa, I wa, I was sorry.
No, wait, okay, all right Look, I wa--I was wrong. I admit it, I am really, really, really sorry.
Now I want you to say: " wa" , " wa" .
现在要你说:“wa” ,“wa” 。
It feels like you're doing work with it: " wa" , " wa" . Okay?
感觉就像你在用它做工作:“wa” ,“wa” 。 好的?
They're online at WA Detention Center.
You wa me to go ahead and wash my dish.
What do I wa--? Well, it's not about me.
想怎么... 这和无关。
I wa... I was supposed to get my hands on-on one of those.
W, then the AW as in LAW vowel, wa-. Lips are in a tight circle for the W, then relax out.
W, 然后是单词LAW里面的AW元音, wa-。嘴唇收紧成圆形,然后放松。
The first publication of the manga was on early December 1991, in the magazine Nakayoshi, for a series called Codename wa: Sailor V.
该漫画于1991年12月初在(日本)讲谈社的杂志上首次出版,叫做“Codename wa: 水手V”。
You wa to fight off loser guys all night? Does that seem like fun to you?
So, like, if you ever need anything, uh - a glass of wa - , uh, whatever you want.
所以,就像,如果你需要什么,呃 - 一杯水 - 呃,无论你想要什么。
I wa...I was supposed to get my hands on-on one of those. She-she... -Oh, please, you can have a sip of mine.
手上应该也有一杯这个。她… … 她… … - 来吧,你可以喝一口的。
The people fought and suffered for the country and they did not deserve to be killed. Ronen GOG WA was working with Mugabe.
那些人为国家而战、饱受摧残,他们不应被残忍杀害。当时Ronen GOG WA和Mugabe一起工作。
If you pronounce it with more of an AW vowel, wa-- walking. aw- aw- aw- your lips will stay a little bit more rounded.
如果你的发音更倾向于AW元音,wa-- walking. aw- aw- aw- 你的嘴唇应该保持更圆。