| 划词

Despite this clout, three recent events have left the media tycoon and his party beleaguered.



In a passive voice " To beleaguered by something" means to be surrounded by problems or troubles.

在被动语态中,“To belaguered by something”的意思是被问题或麻烦所包围。


For example: " A lack of funding by the government can beleaguer education system and cause schools to close" .



Or an example of the passive voice could be: " His business was beleaguered with financial problems since the beginning" .




bouillon, bouillon cube, Boulanger, boulangerie, boulangerite, Boulangism, boulder, boulder clay, boulder-clay, bouldering, boulders, bouldery, boule, boules, bouleuterion, boulevard, boulevardier, bouleversement, Boulez, boulimia, boulle, Boulogne, Boulogne-Billancourt, Boulogne-sur-Mer, boult, boulter, Boulwarism, boun, bounce, bounce back, bounce bout, bounce-back, bounceball, bouncer, bounces, bouncing, bouncing putty, bouncy, bound, bound form, boundary, boundary condition, boundary layer, boundary line, bounded, boundedness, bounden, bounder, boundless, boundlessly, bounds, boundscript, boundstone, bounteous, bounteously, Bountiful, bountifully, bounty, bounty hunter, bouquet, bouquetier, bouquetiere, bouquetin, bouquets, Bourbon, Bourbonism, Bourbonnais, bourdon, bourdony, bourette, bourg, Bourgas, bourgeois, bourgeoise, bourgeoisie, bourgeoisification, bourgeoisify, bourgeon, Bourges, Bourgogne, Bourke-White, bourn, bourne, bournonite, bourree, bourrelet, bourride, bourse, bourtree, bouse, boussingaultite, boustay, boustrophedon, bousy, bout, boutade, bouteillenstein, boutel, boutgate, boutique, boutiquier, bouton, boutonniere, boutons, Boutros-Ghali, bouts, bouvardia, bouvardin, Bouvier des Flandres, bouzouki, bouzoukia, bovarism, bovate, Bovet, bovid, Bovidae, bovine, bovovaccination, bovovaccine, bovril, bovver, bow, bow and arrow, bow window, bow-backed, bowdacious, Bowditch, bowdlerise, bowdlerism, bowdlerize, bowdrill, bowed, bowel, bowel movement, Bowelism, Bowell, bowels, Bowen, bowenite, bower, bowerbird, bower-birds, bowered, bowers, bowery, bowfin, bowfront, bowgrace, bowguide, bowgun, bowhead, bowhunt, bowie, bowie knife, bowing, bowk, bowking, bowknot, bowl, bowlder, bowleg, bow-leg, bow-legas, bowlegged, bow-legged, bowler, bowler hat, bowlful, bowline, bowling, bowling alley, bowling ball, bowling equipment, bowling green, bowling pin, bowling-alley, bowlingite, bowls, bowman, bow-on, bowpot, bowsaw, bowse, bowser, bowshock, bowshot, bowsman, bowsprit, bowstave, bowstring, bowstring hemp, bow-tie, bow-twixter, bow-wave, bowwow, bowyang, bowyer, box, box camera, box girder, box number, box office, box pleat, box spring, box wrench, boxberry, boxboard, boxcar, boxcars, boxed-off, boxer, boxer shorts, boxers, boxes, boxfish, box-frame, boxful, box-hat, boxhaul, boxhead, boxholder, boxhole, box-in, boxing, Boxing Day, boxing glove, boxing match, boxing ring, boxkeeper, boxlike, boxman, box-note, box-office, boxroom, box-staple, boxthorn, boxtree, boxty, box-up, boxwood, boxwork, boxy, boy, boy scout, Boy Scouts, boy wonder, boyar, boyard, Boyce, boychik, boycott, boycotts, Boyd, BOYDS, boyfriend, Boyg, boyhood, boyish, boyishly, boyla, Boyle, Boyne, boyo, boys, boys and girls, boysenberry, Boyz, Boyzone, BOZ, Bozcaada, Bozen, bozo, BozzaMix, bozzetto, bp, BPA, bpam, BPAS, BPC, BPCF, BPCS, BPD, BPE, BPEL, BPF, BPG, BPH, BPI, B-picture, B-pillar, BPL, BPM, BPMC, BPO, B-position, B-power, BPP, BPR, BPRS, bps, bpt, Bq, BR, bra, braaivleis, Brabanconne, brabant, brabble, braccate, brace, braced, bracehead, bracelet, braceleted, braceman, bracer, bracero, braceros, bracers, braces, brach, bracheid, brachelytrous, brachet, brachia, brachial, brachial artery, brachial plexus, brachial vein, brachialgia, brachialia, brachialis, Brachiarticulata, Brachiata, brachiate, brachidium, brachiferous, brachiform, braching, brachio-, brachiocephalic, brachiocubital, brachiocyllosis, brachiocyrtosis, brachiolaria, brachiole, brachioneus, brachiophore, brachiopod, Brachiopoda, Brachiopoda(拉), brachiopods, brachioradialis, brachiorrheuma, brachiosaur, brachiostrophosis, brachistochrone, brachium, brachy-, brachyanticline, Brachyarchus, brachyaxis, brachybasophalangia, brachycardia, brachycephal, brachycephalic, brachycephalization, brachycephalous, brachycephaly, Brachycera, brachycerebral, brachycerous, brachycheilia, brachychily, brachycranial, brachycranic, brachydactyl, brachydactylia, brachydactylic, brachydactylous, brachydactyly, brachydiagonal, brachydodromous, brachydome, brachydont, brachyelytrous, brachyform, brachy-form, brachygeosyncline, brachylast, brachylogy, brachymeiosis, brachyodont, brachyosis, brachypinacoid, Brachypsectridae, brachypterism, brachypterous, brachyrhinia, brachyrhynchus, brachysclereid, brachyskelic, brachystomatous, brachysyncline, brachytelephalangia, brachytelescope, brachytelic, brachytely, brachytherapy, Brachythoraci, brachytracheae, Brachyura, brachyural, brachyuran, brachyurous, bracing, braciola, braciole, brack, brackebuschite, bracken, bracker, bracket, bracket creep, bracketarm, bracketed, bracketing, bracket-like, bracket-plant, brackets, brackish, brackishness, brackypterous, bracon, braconid, bract, bracteal, bracteate, bracteine, bracteody, bracteoid, bracteolate, bracteole, bracteomania, bractlet, bracts, brad, bradawl, Bradbury, Braddock, bradenhead, Bradenton, brader, Bradford, Bradfordian, bradisulfa, Bradley, bradoriida, brads, bradshaw, bradsot, Bradstreet, Brady, bradyadministration, bradyauxesis, bradybasia, bradycardia, bradycardic, bradycauma, bradycausis, bradycinesia, bradycrotic, bradydiastalsis, bradydiastole, bradydiastolia, bradye, bradyesthesia, bradygenesis, bradyglossia, bradykinesia, bradykinetic, bradykinin, bradykininogen, bradylalia, bradylogia, bradymasesis, bradymetabolism, Bradyodonti, bradypepsia, bradyphagia, bradyphrenia, bradypnea, bradypnoea, bradypragia, bradyrhythmia, bradyscope, bradyseism, bradyspermatism, bradysphygmia, bradyspore, brady-sporozoite, bradystalsis, bradytelic, bradytely, bradyuria, bradyzoite, brae, brag, Braga, Braganca, Braganza, Brage, Bragg, braggadocio, braggart, bragger, bragging, braggite, Bragi, bragite, Brahe, Brahma, brahmacharya, Brahman, Brahmana, Brahmani, Brahmanic, Brahmanical, Brahmanism, Brahmanist, Brahmans, brahmapootra, Brahmaputra, Brahmin, Brahminee, Brahminism, Brahminist, Brahmins, Brahmoism, Brahmoist, Brahms, Brahmsian, Brahui, braid, braided, braider, braiding, braidism, brail, brailer, brailing, Braille, Brailler, Braillewriter, brain, brain cell, brain coral, brain death, brain fever, brain power, brain stem, brain storm, brain storming, brain surgery, brain truster, brain tumor, brain wave, braincap, braincase, brainchild, Braine, brained, brainfag, brainiac, brainish, brainless, brainman, brainpan, brain-picking, brainpower, brains, brainsick, brainstem, brainstorm, brainstorming, brainteaser, Braintree, brainwash, brainwashing, brainwave, brainwork, brainworker, brainworm, brainy, braise, braised, braiser, brait, braize, brake, brake band, brake cylinder, brake disk, brake drum, brake lining, brake pad, brake pedal, brake shoe, brake system, brakeage, brake-fade, brakeload, brakeman, brake-press, braker, brakes, brake-shoe, brakesman, brakestaff, brakevan, brake-van, brakie, braking, braky, brale, braless, BRAM, bramah, bramamlite, Bramante, bramble, brambleberry, brambled, brambles, brambling, brambly, Bramley, brammallite, Brampton, Bramwell, bran, branalcane, brancart, branch, branch line, branch out, branch out into, brancheae, branched, branched chain, branches, branchia, branchiae, branchial, branchial arch, branchialchamber, Branchiata, branchiate, branchiform, branching, branching-point, branchiomere, branchiomycosis, branchiopneustic, branchiopod, Branchiopoda, branchiostegite, Branchiostoma, branchireme, Branchiura, branchless, branchlet, branchofiberoscope, branchpoinnt, branchpoint, branchwood, branchy, Brancusi, brand, brand name, brand new, brandade, brandcompetition, branded, Brandeis, Brandenburg, brander, brandering, brandied, branding, branding iron, brandish, brandling, brand-new, Brando, Brandon, brandreth, Brandt, brandtite, brandy, brandy glass, brandyball, Brandywine, Brangus, Branhamella, brank, branks, brankursine, branner, brannerite, branners, bran-new, brannigan, branny, Branson, brant, brantail, Brantford, Branting, bran-tub, Braque, Brasflia, brash, brashing, brashly, brashness, brashy, brasier, Brasil, brasilein, Brasilia, brasilin, Brasoran, Brasov, brasque, brasqueing, brass, brass band, brass hat, brass knuckles, brass section, brassage, brassard, brassart, brassboard, brassbound, brassbounder, brass-collar, brasserie, brasses,


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