Most work within business schools is blithely unconcerned with any expression of doubt, participants being too busy oiling the wheels to worry about where the engine is going.
Ser Cleos prattled blithely on. " Any man who'd believe that a Sworn Brother of the Kingsguard would harm a child does not know the meaning of honor" .
And, in a more practical vein, engineers in the autonomous-vehicle industry would be keen on a technology that let their cars spot other motorists blithely speeding around blind corners.
Alternatively, we may simply fail to notice our errors and blithely continue as if nothing has happened, something that prevents us from learning a better strategy to improve our performance in the future.
One moment in particular has stirred backlash: Huang, while attending a job interview, blithely says she could have continued studying, but she felt like taking a job would get her out of her comfort zone.
Bernie Bass, a satellite at the moment of Tom Glisson, stood up blithely to say that he had come down the road in time to hear Henry beg piteously of Samson, " Don't you come any closer" .
Bernie Bass 是 Tom Glisson 的卫星,他愉快地站起来说他路上及时听到 Henry 可怜地哀求 Samson,“你不再靠近一点”。