It took a while to stuff the rubbery, boneless arm into a sleeve.
To learn more about the Vikings, check out our book, History of the Vikings: A Captivating Guide to the Viking Age and Feared Norse Seafarers Such as Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar the Boneless, Egil Skallagrimsson, and More.
要了解有关维京人的更多信息,请查看我们的书,维京人的历史:维京时代的迷人指南和令人恐惧的北欧海员,如 Ragnar Lothbrok、无的 Ivar、Egil Skallagrimsson 等。
When they come back down, Henry practically passes out on his chest without another word, fucked-out and boneless, and Alex laughs to himself and pets his sweaty hair and listens to the soft snores that come almost immediately.
当他们回来时, 亨利几乎一言不发地趴在胸前昏倒了,精疲力尽,头都散了, 亚历克斯自顾自地笑了笑, 抚摸着他汗湿的头发, 听着几乎立即传来的轻柔的鼾声。