Without even paying the cabman, he escaped into the street.
他甚至没有付钱给出租车司机, 就逃到街。
Just give me a help with this buckle, cabman, he said, kneeling over his task, and never turning his head.
Mr. Fogg jumped into a cab and promised the cabman a hundred pounds.
There was the bargaining with the cabman.
" Poveretta" ! cried the landlady and the cabman.
There a cabman signalled to them; they refused him.
那里有个马车夫向他们示意; 他们拒绝他。
'Trimmer's Wharf, ' said the cabman, opening the door.
So he bade the cabman drive at once to the prison.
" Signorino, domani faremo uno giro, " called the cabman, with engaging certainty.
“Signorino, domani faremo uno giro,”马车夫肯定地说。
I strolled on, and without noticing the cabman, lifted my hat politely to old Mr. Headley.
我继续往前走, 没有注意到马车夫, 礼貌地向老黑德利先生帽子。
" Oh, no, " replied the cabman. " Mr. Morris is the person of the house" .
“哦,不,”出租车司机回答。 “莫里斯先生是这所房子的主人”。
He will in all probability be abusing a cabman for having brought him to Sheen Street instead of Chenies Street.
他很可能会辱骂一名出租车司机,因为他把他带到 Sheen Street 而不是 Chenies Street。
Yet he could talk to his cabman and conscientiously did his cathedrals, his Rhine, and whatever his companions suggested.
I see you are a traveller; perhaps the cabman has made a mistake.
我看你是个旅行者; 也许马车夫弄错。
At this threat the cabman seemed to take alarm.
" I see, " thought Brackenbury, " I am in a private gambling saloon, and the cabman was a tout" .
Besides these ancient histories of wrong and the more recent misadventure of the cabman, he had another grievous complaint to make.
Egad, I was ashamed of him. The Queen used to ask me about the English noble who was always quarrelling with the cabmen about their fares.
" He appeared to be in a great hurry, shouted to the cabman to wait, and brushed past the maid who opened the door, " said Holmes.
A hansom cab had come to a stop beside the pavement, and an old man carrying a handbag was fiercely abusing the cabman, who sat on his perch the image of bewilderment.