The Keystone XL pipeline has had a chequered history.
Keystone XL 输油管道项目有一段曲折的历史。
He sat as one sitting for a portrait, motionless, watching the chequered lights and shades on the tree-trunks, the children playing opposite the school previous to entering for the morning lesson, the reapers in a field afar off.
At the age of 32, with a string of disasters behind him—including two expulsions from Harvard, a chequered employment history and, most tragically, the death of a young daughter—he stood on the shore of Lake Michigan contemplating suicide.
32 岁那年, 身后经历了一连串的灾难——包括两次被哈佛大学开除、曲折的工作经历,最悲惨的是, 一个年幼的女儿去世了——他站在密歇根湖畔考虑自杀。