Though not " hurted" by a border collie turned " bird a collie" .
Come on, Toby! McDonnell calls, calling his collie into his van.
That's on me. I shed like a collie.
都怪我 我的体毛脱落像牧羊那么多。
Among the dogs involved in the experiments were golden retrievers and border collies.
Collie dogs are a great help to shepherds in looking after their flocks of sheep.
No, you want a dog that fetches, you get a collie, you get a springle spaniel.
" Rise allowing dogs in the office has meant that I've been able to take both my collies in, " he says.
Chaser, a border collie, knows over 1,000 words.
Chaser 是一只边境牧羊,能认识 1000 多个单词。
Watch this border collie cross run!
The word " collie" is a Scotch word used to describe sheepdogs.
“牧羊” 这个词是用来形容牧羊的苏格兰词。
She agrees that border collies make good detection dogs because they work hard.
Jemima was rather in awe of the collie; she told him the whole story.
One of my very best researchers is my border collie Sky.
Honey, uh, this is a picture of the frame guy posing in front of a bright blue screen with a collie.
The children seemed to tumble about and amuse themselves like a litter of rough, good-natured collie puppies.
Don't give me your blind sarcasm. I saw a collie on TV who could push a lawn mower. Do you have one of those?
My border collie would snap at that, but there's no question that this retriever's a lot of popularity and a lot of publicity.
Last spring, we reported on a border collie named Piper who literally chase the birds from a small airport in Michigan.
去年春天,我报道一只名叫 Piper 的边境牧羊, 它真的在密歇根州的一个小机场追逐鸟类。
The collie listened, with his wise head on one side; he grinned when she described the polite gentleman with sandy whiskers.
When you think of getting cows to moo, you might think of a herdsman on horseback or maybe a border collie on call.