" Good evening, " said the little prince courteously.
The captain offered to double his wages, but Edmond still refused, thanking him courteously.
" Of course you are." said Dumbledore courteously.
" Boy, " she said courteously, " why are you crying" ?
" 男孩儿," 她有貌说," 你为什么哭?"
There was no way Sansa could avoid them. She greeted them courteously. " May I be of help" ?
珊莎无法避开,只好貌向她们致意。" 我能帮忙吗?"
It said he would get me there safely, courteously and on time.
" As you say" . Smallwood took a sullen leave. The others finished their wine and followed, more courteously.
" 那好吧," 斯莫伍德沉着脸离去。其他人比较貌,喝完了酒,才纷纷离开。
I told her, courteously I hope, that I did not think she would be suitable for the post.
He bowed us courteously on our way.
A sergent-de-ville confronted her courteously and stepped inside the door.
一位镇长彬彬有她对峙, 然后走进了门。
" I never suggested that for a moment, " said Philip courteously.
“我从来没有这样说过, ” 菲利普彬彬有说。
Presently the guest came, and knocked politely and courteously at the house-door.
And when Lily came to the castle, he welcomed her so courteously that she agreed to marry him.
当莉莉来到城堡, 他彬彬有欢迎她, 她同意嫁给他。
Courteously I saluted him and showed the surprise I felt at this pleasant encounter.
" You must rise, " he added, gently and courteously, seeing Maslova still in her seat.
“你必须站起来, ” 他看到玛丝洛娃还坐在座位上, 温柔而有貌补充道。
The Negroes touch a finger to their ragged caps or pretend courteously not to see me.
黑人用手指触摸他们破旧的帽子, 或者貌假装没有看到我。
" Yes, that may be, " he said calmly, courteously admitting the guest into the ill-smelling corridor.
“是的,可能是这样, ” 他平静说, 彬彬有让客人进入散发着难闻气味的走廊。
" Please don't leave on my account, " said Dumbledore courteously, " I cannot stay, I have urgent matters to discuss with Rufus Scrimgeour."
Conway replied courteously. Only Mallinson had given no sign of his attitude in the face of these unlooked-for amenities.
Wildeve, to do him justice, had behaved very courteously to his wife's aunt; and it was with no surprise that she saw him enter now.